The Eliot Middle School Read-A-Thon started off with a bang (or a boo!) last Friday, Oct. 14, as Derek the Ghost (AKA Derek Taylor Kent), author of the new Scary School series, was a guest reader. Organized by Eliot sixth grade teacher John Maynard, and PTA Vice President Susan Schwartz, the read-a-thon is raising money to upgrade the school's library technology and buy new books.
Each student gathers pledges against the amount of pages they will read during their grade event. Reading begins at 6 PM and goes on through midnight, then it's light's out and sleep (maybe!).
The Read-A-Thon continues this Friday with seventh graders, and the night of Nov. 4-5 for 8th graders.
Derek Taylor Kent reads to the sixth graders at the Eliot Middle School library. Photo by John Maynard.