by Carolyn Seitz
Lt Joseph Dempsey, the commander of the detective bureau, the station's public information officer at the Altadena Sheriff's Station, has been chosen for a new assignment by the Sheriff's Department.
Friday will be his last day at Altadena Station, and effective Sunday, he will be a Lieutenant at the Sheriff's Narcotics Bureau.
We've been very fortunate to have had him with us for nearly a year and a half and to have had him with us as the Sheriff's Department, in partnership with this community, worked to get the enormous spike in residential burglaries and thefts from vehicles under control.
His commitment to Altadena has been felt across the whole community and his contribution to the leadership team, the detective bureau and the deputies who serve us day in and day out has been much appreciated.

Lt. Dempsey at a July 2010 meeting at Eliot Middle School.
Capt. McLean places a high priority in being available for any meeting or gathering to which the community invites him and during Joe's time here he participated in many of those meetings.
When people complained or expressed concerns about some experience with the Sheriff's Station that left them disappointed, uncertain or with questions about process, he generally responded to those complaints or expressions of concern quickly, initiating investigations, responding with generosity, following up, and in those instances where people sometimes needed to hear hard truth, he delivered that truth with concern and compassion.
He's worked long hours and been an outstanding leader for his team.
His dedication to dealing effectively not only with crime but with quality of life issues for Altadena residents and neighborhoods has demonstrated his dedication and the authority through which he governs himself as well as the high degree of importance he places on doing his job well, on giving exemplary service - always in good spirits.
His contribution to Altadena will be felt long into the future and we all wish him well as he takes the next step in what we hope will be a long, successful career. The Narcotics Bureau found the right guy and they're lucky to have him.
As we celebrate Joe Dempsey, we also welcome Lt. Duane Allen, Jr. who will step into the position as Commander of the Detective Bureau and as the Station's Public Information Officer. I know you'll find him a great choice, fully up to the challenge of his new position in Altadena.
Carolyn Seitz is a community volunteer and CERT coordinator for Altadena.