Another timely commentary in verse:
CAVE CANEM: Beware the Dog!
from gloriana casey
You've heard of dog catchers, I bet,
but what of dog CATCHEES?
With Altadena's clever dogs,
those robbers find no ease.
For "Book 'em Dano" was once heard
on television show.
So burglars, you'd best listen up
it's Doggie 2.0
Although, perhaps a better name,
"Comedy of Errors,"
but then -- from robber's point of view,
Comedy of TERRORS?
No Keystone cops are in this town--
perhaps.... a Keystone thief?
Yes, everything that could go wrong,
plus comedy relief!
Dog One is RAVEN, shelter dog,
a-guarding the backyard.
For when she spots a stranger there,
her barking grows quite hard!
And so intrude -- backpack on,
moves toward the holly bush.
Oh prickly, prickly Christmas plant,
it pokes him in the tush!
Then in surprise, this man he turns,
his backpack now is stuck.
Screw driver and wire cutter too,
fall out --oh-- such bad luck!
But more bad luck incorporates,
and Luck it gives no chance.
Man clears the wall, but RAVEN dog,
she bites him in the pants!
And still star-crossed, the robber flees
but sheriff's car is nigh.
Though robber thinks his luck is back.
NOT TRUE! He'll soon see why!
Dog number two, out for a walk,
and this dog's name is SAM.
"Samuel" -- ancient name for God.
his strength is SAM, I am.
As SAM walks out upon his leash,
his fine nose sense does rise.
By oleander bush -- right there!
A man with backpack lies!
Now just to get more factual,
the oleander true,
it is a poisonous evergreen,
and robber----so are you!
As RAVEN barks out "NEVERMORE,"
SAM'S nose is CSI.
We've got that Doggie 2.0,
and who's to question why.
So you've been warned, you burglar types,
it's CANINE Altadena.
This last one caught, comic relief.
We're laughing like hyena!