A day late and a dollar short, but here's the 'dena weekend:
Fri., Nov. 4
- Library: Space Exploration: What's Up? Learn about the latest tools for space exploration including robotics to explore other planets and stars and the search for life in the cosmos with Dr. Randii Wessen at the main Altadena Library on Friday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. This free program sponsored by the Friends of the Altadena Library is suitable for all ages and will take place in the library’s Community Room.
- Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake. Front stage, open mic, 8 PM, free; Backstage, Barry McGuire and John York, "Trippin' the '60's" (nostalgia), 8 PM, $20. Reservations: (626) 798-6236.
Sat.,Nov. 5
- Volunteer trail maintenance in Angeles National Forest, location TBA. Meet at the Altadena Altadena Ale & Wine House, 2329 N. Fair Oaks, at 6:50 AM.
- Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy hiking series continues with local trails expert and railroad historian Paul Ayers on a strenuous loop deep into Rubio Canyon, along recently restored trails. Ayers will discuss landmarks visible from the trails: the former site of the Mt. Lowe Railway, the Great Incline and various Echo Mountain sites. This is a difficult uphill hike of about 1.5 miles each way, with multiple sections on narrow trails near sheer drops. Meet in Altadena at the intersection of Loma Alta Drive and Camp Huntington Drive, just east of the bridge.Experienced hikers only, please. The hike is free.
- Christmas Tree Lane Lights Up goes from 9 AM-noon. In the morning you will be greeted with donuts, coffee and hot chocolate and after 12:00 lunch will be served. If you are bringing a group of more than 5 on any weekend and plan to stay and have lunch, PLEASE call (626) 403-1123 so that we will have enough food for everyone.
- Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake. Backstage, The Folk Collection (folk), 8 PM, $20. Reservations: (626) 798-6236.
Sun., Nov. 6
- Daylight Saving Time ends: set the clocks back an hour and get some more sleep!
- Christmas Tree Lane Lights Up continues, 9-noon, see Saturday for details.
- Crop Walk to alleviate world hunger, 1:30 - 3 PM at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 1014 E. Altadena Drive. Registration for the 5K walk starts at 1 p.m. and registration can be completed at www.cropwalkonline.org. Canned food donations and 25 percent of the monies collected will go to several local organizations, including ACTS Food Pantry, Bad Weather Shelter, and Foothill Unity Center. The remaining 75 percent of the monies collected is given to support the work of the Church World Service Organization around the world. More information: Cameron Hoover, 626-798-3700.
- Mt. Wilson Bicycling Association annual pancake breakfast at Henninger Flats, starts at 8:30 AM. Live music by Wreck 'N' Sew, raffles, prizes, until 11 AM. For more information: mwba.org
- Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake. Front stage, open mic, 8 PM, free. Reservations: (626) 798-6236.