Carolyn Seitz writes us:
Thanks to the generosity of the community at large and this morning's very successful and much appreciated food and toy drive in the President Streets area and the toy drive in La Vina, we are certain we'll be able to feed at least 300 very needy Altadena families.
Right this minute, Sheriff's Deputies, Lt. Duane Allen, Captain McLean and a small group of very dedicated volunteers are sorting toys and packing them up for each family for which we have an application.
It's now 11:55 am.
Could you come help us for the next hour or two . . . ?
We can sure use the help and you'll have fun making a big contribution.
All are welcome - especially kids.
They know better that any of us what a 6 year old boy would like or an 8 year old girl . . .
Sorting is going on at the Altadena Community Center, 730 E. Altadena Dr..