More lost dogs in Eaton Canyon -- just received this missive from Jane Brackman (aka "Dr. Barkman") who found two unhappy families today:
I was hiking in Eaton Canyon this morning from the nature center north to the bridge and came across two different families, both looking for dogs they'd lost yesterday or the day before in the canyon. I don't have photos but I did get phone numbers and dog descriptions. Hope you can post:
One is a golden brown, 90 pound, young Rhodesian ridgeback named Rosco. Lost yesterday, December 22 on the Mt. Wilson road just north of Henniger Flats. If seen call 626-755-5601
The other was lost on the lower trail between the nature center and the bridge. This one is named Truman and is a 7 or 8 month old large dog, I believe gray color and I am not sure what type of dog. If seen, please call 323-258-7257 or 310-704-6803.
UPDATE: As of Christmas Eve morning, there's some good news: Rocoe's home. Details here.