by Timothy Rutt
Donations from Hollywood production companies and homeowners whose property was used in film shoots put $4,000 into the coffers of Altadena-based charities and organizations in 2011.
Russ Fega, whose Altadena firm Home Shoot Home (Altadenablog sponsor) keeps a roster of buildings that can be used by production companies, established the charitable Altadena Community Chest last year. The Chest solicits donations from the production companies that shoot films, television shows, and commercials in Altadena.
In an email, Fega said that "In order for companies not to feel put upon, [we] only ask for a small donation of $200. Given that we raised $4,000, that means that there were around 20 different productions that donated. Some homeowners also contributed when they had shoots at their homes."
The organizations that benefited from the Community Chest in 2011 included the Altadena Library, Altadena Heritage, the Altadena Historical Society, Altadena Elementary School, the Altadena Sherrif's Station, Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy, Five Acres, and Young & Healthy.
Fega said that "When I first put the Altadena Community Chest together, I did quite a bit of research about Altadena-based organizations. I contacted those that, I felt, would best represent a broad spectrum of the citizens of Altadena. I met with different groups that expressed interest and simply put them on my distribution list ... Once I have enough money to distribute a $500 donation, I do so immediately.
"It is easiest for me to solicit funds from projects that shoot through my company, Home Shoot Home. However, I have had some success when I've approached companies that I see filming in Altadena; even if they have not arranged the filming through me. I'm not particularly bashful about asking since I think it's something that, in the long run, helps both the production companies and the community. My hope is that, instead of feeling inconvenienced by the presence of a film company, residents will think about the fact that as a result of the filming, the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy might be able to purchase more land or that children at Altadena Elementary School will be able to continue participating in valuable after-school programs that are partially funded by the donations ... The main criteria for an organization to be considered are that it is Altadena-based and its purpose is to fill a need in our community that is currently unmet."