- Four who rose up: Juliette Funes at the San Gabriel Valley Tribune writes about four Five Acres orphans who rode in yesterday's Rose Parade.
- We were thinking a Chihuahua in heat: LA Mayor Anthonion Villaraigosa likens himself to a Chihuahua -- probably not just any Chihuahua, but Altadena's Chihuahua, Paco.
- Volunteers needed: Anyone who is fluent in English and can volunteer 2-10 hours a week are needed to become a caring mentor to a small group of non-English speaking adults who want to communicate more effectively. Tutor training for San Gabriel Valley Literacy Council ESL classes is on Saturdays, Jan. 14 and Jan. 28, from 9 AM until 3 PM. You must attend both sessions to receive our certificate. $25 covers training expenses and council membership. For more information contact San Gabriel Valley Literacy Council ESL at 626-795-7987 or 626-298-4731 or www.sgvlc.org