Altadena's county parks - Farnsworth, Charles White, and Loma Alta -- are planning a variety of children's activities for spring, spring break, and Easter.
- All three parks will have a spring day camp April 2-6, during PUSD's spring break. The camps fill up quickly, so please call the park of your choice for information.
- There are also T-ball teams for ages 3-5 starting at each facility, (Tiny Tots T-ball at Farnsworth Park recently extended its registration to April 18).
- Charles White Park is starting a "Learn to Golf" camp for ages to 18.
- Loma Alta Park is accepting applications for its summer day camp program now
Easter weekend will also be an active time for Easter egg hunting: Charles White will hold its egg hunt on Fri., April 6, from 3 to 5 PM. Farnsworth Park will have a nighttime hunt that same evening, from 6-8 PM (bring your flashlight!). Charles White Park's Easter Egg hunt will be Sat., April 7, starting at 11 AM.
For more information, contact your park:
Loma Alta Park: 398-5451
Charles White Park: 398-2073
Farnsworth Park: 798-6335