by Timothy Rutt
Looking for a job? Looking for an employee? Now Altadena has a place for that.
Town councilman Brent Musson has opened up a job board on his personal website. "The job board is free for people to post jobs, and free for people to apply for jobs," Musson said. "It's designed as a service to the Altadena community so they can hire Altadena residents."
It's not a full-service type site, but Musson says "it''s a moderate-featured site … the businesses that want to post jobs can create their own profile and login, and post a job. THey can choose to set the job up so that a person can attach their resume when they apply -- or not -- and then the applicants can also just go in and create their own profile, which will include their resume."
The first job posted -- actually an unpaid internship -- is from Musson himself.
"As a former PTA president at Blair (High School), I'm fully aware that every graduating senior in PUSD has to show community service as part of their requirement to graduate -- and what better place to volunteer than at town council?"
Musson -- who as an Altadena Town Councilman is an unpaid volunteer himself -- said that the internship is also to be an educational experience. "There's a great opportunity for them to have something to add to their resume, as well as having something to add to county government," Musson said. "There's a description [on the website] of the things that I need help with in the office -- for instance, when we need curbs repainted, rather than me call, have the intern call. Making some of those calls for county services, maybe doing some research …"
"Half of the job is just about learning all of those fields, being present and being privy to what goes on. … I'm trying to do what I can to help these kids -- it can't hurt to have more participation from the community -- I'd rather have the kids involved so when they take those leadership roles they know what's going on."
Musson emphasized that the internship position was "not a town council function, it's a Councilman Brent Musson function." The internship is open to high school juniors and seniors and college students, and is not restricted to residents of his census tract, 4610.
Musson's jobs board and the internship position are at: