by Timothy Rutt
According to our ticker on the left, the Altadena Farmers Market is only 15 or 16 days away, and the excitement is building.
The market just opened a page on Facebook over the weekend for its grand opening, which includes a current list of farmers and vendors:
Famers Include:
- Shu and Debby Takikawa (Garden of.....) farm
- Kenter Canyon Farms
- Suncoast Farms
- Elsers Country Farm
- Farquhar Farms
- John Muir High School Farm
- Drake Family Farm
- Jubilee Farms
Vendors Include:
- Big Mista' BBQ
- Plow & Gun Coffee
- Pine Street Products
- Molany Tubilderborst ~ Bread Lounge
- Sqirl Preserves
- Deisy's Tasty Food
- Beyond the Olive
- Fox Pizza Bus (wood-fired oven on a double decker London bus)
- Mother Moo Organic Ice Cream
The Altadena Farmers Market will open on Wed., May 30, from 3-7 PM at Loma Alta Park near the Community Garden, at the corner of Palm Street and Lincoln Avenue.