by TImothy Rutt
Teams are now being formed for the second annual Brandon Jackson Memorial Basketball Shootout.
The basketball tournament, a project of the First Presbyterian Church of Altadena's "Stepping into the Light Outreach," raises funds for scholarships in Jackson’s name for deserving, college-bound students.
There are three tiers: youth ages 7-12, middle school students, and high school (including graduating seniors). Tournament fee is $200 a team, with discounts for early registration and multiple team registration. The tournament will be Sat., June 23, and take place at the LaSalle High School and Victory Park gymnasiums.
Brandon Jackson was an 18-year-old Altadena resident who went to school at Muir High School. He was shot and killed Feb. 12, 2011 while outside of a party on the 300 block of West Palm Street in Altadena. Despite a $10,000 reward offered by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the killing remains unsolved.
For more information about the tournament, go to