by Timothy Rutt
At Tuesday’s Altadena Town Council meeting:
- Lt. Duane Allen, who has moved from detective lieutenant to operations lieutenant at the Altadena Sheriff Station, introduced Lt. Michael White, who will take over the detective bureau and community relations. White was recently transferred from the Temple City station.
Allen also said that Altadena Capt. John Benedict was in Washington, D.C., taking part in ceremonies to add the name of Altadena Deputy Charlene Rottler to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. - The council recommended approval of a conditional use permit for a liquor license for a new Indian restaurant at 2535 E. Washington Blvd. Some councilmembers expressed concern that the location was close to residences and the Pasadena Jewish Temple, and wanted provisions to insure that, if sold, a new owner wouldn’t turn it into a bar or club. The issue now moves to the county planning commission.