- Happy President Streets birthday: Happy fifth birthday to the President Streets Yahoo Group, a vital component of life there -- if your neighborhood doesn't have a discussion group through Yahoo or Google or a web page, you're missing out on good stuff!! If you're in the President Streets neighborhood and aren't a member, start here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PresidentStreets/
- I can haz bath: Local resident Caroline Rodriguez has started her own business, Laundromutts Mobile Pet Grooming. Rodriguez has been grooming pets for four years now, and thinks it's time to strike out on her own. Got a dirty dog (or cat?) Contact her at www.laundromutts.com; caroline@laundromutts.com or call 818-588-5381.
- Bulgarini Gelato Italian dinner and a movie, "Tai-Toi," (Shut Up!) is the film of the week. Movie is free, and begins at dark. Dinner will be offered - by reservation only - for $13.50, which will include a homemade pasta dish, salad, and a drink (dinner starts at 7:30). Gelato available throughout. Reservations may be made by Friday (the day before the film) by email at catering@bulgarinigelato.com or by calling (626) 376-7662.
- Boom! Jamie Bissner has a theory that the mystery booming we hear from the north may be tests of this new aircraft out of Edwards AFB. Sounds plausible, but we'd hate to totally lose the mystery ...
- Every dog has his day: Dr. Barkman tells us that today is the feast of St. Roch, the patron saint of dogs (and we thought it was St. Bernard!) "The least we owe them is to live a life that is worthy of their devotion..." indeed!