by Timothy Rutt
The bobcats are out in Altadena this weekend.
Community correspondant Jeff Sedlik writes Saturday:
We had a visit from a bobcat this morning at our home on Braeburn between Page and Porter. 3:45am, our chickens went crazy, the bobcat was hanging off of the chicken wire on their coop, clawing at the chickens, trying to get in. Fortunately all of our hens are alive and well. In the photos you can see the pine shavings from our coop on his face. He was 21" tall. Bobcats are nocturnal but also hunt at dawn and dusk. Chickens are a favorite prey, but they don't hesitate to hunt cats, dogs of any size, and deer as well. Bobcats typically kill with one bite. This cat jumped over our six foot high fence like it was six inches high. Bobcats can clear a ten foot fence without touching it. There have been previous sightings of this cat hunting in the neighborhood. Area residents should take notice and keep their dogs and cats indoors at night.
Meanwhile, Kathy Steward shared these photos of three baby bobcats strolling through her yard on Woodglen Lane Saturday.