- Walmart movie screener: Neighbors Building a Better Altadena will show "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price" on Friday, Oct. 19, at the Altadena Community Center, 730 E. Altadena Dr., at 6:30 PM.
- Locavoring: Elizabeth Bowman, who has been helping out getting the Altadena Farmer's Market underway, will deliver her "capstone presentation" at Antioch University, 400 Corporate Pointe, Culver City on Saturday. The capstone presentations start at 5 PM. Bowman's is (deep breath) "The Altadena Farmer's Market [Sub]Urban Farmer Tooklit: Digging for Regulations and Planting Urban Farmers: a Guide for First Time Urban Farmers Selling at Certified Farmers Markets in Los Angeles." RSVP to 310-578-1080 x. 288 or jpaul@antioch.edu.
- Breast cancer awareness: Altadenablog sponsor Webster's Community Pharmacy is covered in "Fifty Shades of Pink" for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Select merchandise will be 25% off Oct. 18-20 -- you save 15% while the Cancer Support Community of Pasadena earns 10% from the same purchase. Make a $30 minimum purchase and receive a free goodie bag, and there is free lemonade cookies and other treats.
- Two more weeks of terror: Due to overwhelming demand, Wicked Lit is extending its run at Mountain View Mausoleum thru November 10. Tickets are still available for Oct. 18, 19, and Halloween night -- new nights are Nov. 1-4 and Nov. 8-10. Go to http://www.wickedlit.org/ for tickets and more information.
- Taco Wednesday: The Altadena Ale & Wine House started "Taco Wednesdays" a few weeks ago, and they're still going strong, so check them out: 6-10 PM today at the Ale House, 2329 N. Fair Oaks.