by Phillip Holland, Jr.
Assistant Coordinator,
Mentoring and Partnership for Youth Development
There was an excellent turnout during the Mentoring & Partnership for Youth Development’s “Lunch with the Future” program, as President Tecumseh Shackelford was proud to host U.S. Rep. Judy Chu of California's 32nd congressional district.
Chu gave a motivational address to the young men of John Muir High School. Rep. Chu is an avid supporter of MPYD and on this day she enlightened the young men with her experiences, in which they will carry with them long after high school. This was a great opportunity for the young men to see how motivation and dedication pays off.
Rep. Chu shared her personal motives for pursuing politics, her early experiences in politics, and answered a few questions about some of the pressing issues these young men face. One question that resonated over the program referred to jobs and what was being done to create more opportunities for the young leaders of tomorrow. Rep. Chu explained that the only way to create more jobs is to revive small businesses which allow small communities and cities to remain full of life. This will ultimately give the people of the community a chance to move forward.
In closing, Rep. Chu reiterated the importance of school and encouraged the young men to pursue their dreams to be successful adults in the future.
The staff and young men of MPYD would like to thank Rep. Chu for taking time out of her schedule before her departure to Capitol Hill to share her experiences and continuing to support MPYD.