" The Insect Wars"
from gloriana casey
Our Earth, it is a lovely place,
in lively, long Earth life.
With 4.54 billion years,
you'd think we'd get it right.
For Earth Day is just forty-three,
since 1970.
So many changes-- climate made
along with industry.
For climate change brings hurricanes,
and farm land filled with drought.
Plus don't forget the insects there,
to give us all a rout!
Mosquitoes! West Nile Virus------
food poisoning from heat!
And water rationing comes too,
as prices rise so steep.
But what to Altadena comes?
What insects are a bane?
Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer;
it's scary ---just in name!
Oh, evil bugs they kill the ENTS
( those TREES for Hobbit fans)
Their war began 2003;
invasion of our lands!
These tiny terrors bore the holes
within the tree trunk space,
fill it with fungus and their eggs,
and soon---a treeless place!
But worst of all, sick trees infect
down to their own sawdust.
As sickness spreads so quickly now!
Eradicate, we must!
Another evil empire bug---
Gold Spotted Oak Borer!
Imagine hills with no forests;
truly a bug horror!
Today Earth Day we celebrate,
on Wednesday we must act!
With Altadena Heritage,
a plan for bug attack!
Community Center's the place!
Day--April 24
Defend the Earth and your own yard,
and win this Insect War!
7:30 is the time for meet!
on Altadena Drive.
730 is the street number,
let's keep those trees alive!