by Eric Pierce
Chairman, Election Committee
The Altadena Town Council Election Committee kicks off the 2013 Election season with Candidate Application packets available now at the Altadena Community Center, 730 East Altadena Drive.
Or save a trip and download the packet right from the web at, Altadenablog or Altadena Patch. Downloadable packets include an application that can be filled out right from your computer. Just print it out and sign.
Getting Altadena Town Council Election information and updates has never been easier! Friend Altadena Election on Facebook, and follow @AltadenaElect on Twitter.
Applications for candidacy, along with a check for $35.00 need to be submitted at the clerk’s window at the Community Center no later than May 17, 5:00 pm.
Saturday, June 8, is Election Day for Atladena Town Council, and a Candidate’s Forum is scheduled at 7:00 pm, May 21, during the regular Town Council meeting.