by Timothy Rutt
The Altadena Coalition of Neighborhood Associations has a packed agenda for its next meeting, May 28:
Altadena resident Ellen Walton will talk about the Arroyo Food Co-op, what kind of resources are needed to convert to drought-tolerant vegetation, and organic food and grocery options in Altadena.
Mark Goldschmidt, president of Altadena Heritage and a member of the town council's community standards committee, will update on that committee's work, the Altadena Visioning Study, and lessons from the "heritage" of Aladena that can be used today.
Gregory Bearce, COO of Episcopal Communities and Services, will update on MonteCedro
Lt. Eric Lasko will give a report from the Altadena Sheriff Station.
ACONA meets from 7-8:30 PM on May 28 at the Altadena Main Library, 600 E. Mariposa St.
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