In the wake of the devastating tornado damage and loss of life in Moore, Oklahoma, we have a roundup of information:
- Helping: Webster's Fine Stationers, 2450 N. Lake Avenue, is collecting money to donate to tornado victims (see the Hugo Arteaga logo on top). Lori Webster writes: "We'll be asking people to round up their sales to the nearest dollar, or to drop their change into a donation box, or just donate directly into the box. WFS will be adding to the donation as well."
- Information: The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has rounded up a list of useful disaster preparedness links
- Communications: Altadena CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is still looking for licensed ham and GMRS radio operators to create an emergency communications plan for the Altadena area for when there is a serious emergency and normal channels of communication are down. (You do not have to have completed CERT training to be on the network). Please contact the Emergency Communications Committee of Altadena CERT at For more information about Altadena CERT (which also includes other nearby areas), see