- Little Round Top: LA Magazine's Ben Ehrenreich looks at the anti-slavery roots of Altadena, i.e. Owen Brown, whose headstone was rediscovered last year.
- Night flights: Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff have announced that the U.S. Forest Service has acquired the necessary equipment and finished the training for night flight helicopter sorties into fire areas. County fire crews can conduct night flying missions, but the Forest Service has grounded itself from night flights since the 1970's. The new helicopter will be based out of Lancaster.
- Jack Scott at ACT: The progressive political group ACT will host a forum with Dr. Jack Scott, former chancellor of the California Community Colleges, who will talk about his journey from Texas to Sacramento on Wed., June 5. Socializing begins at 7, meeting at 7:30 PM at the home of Jeanne and Fred Register of Altadena. The forum is open to the public: for further information, including the location of the meeting, please contact Jon Fuhrman at 626 795-5255 or check the ACTpasadena.org website for further details.