by TImothy Rutt
Currently (around 3 PM) there's some police activity in the area around Eliot Middle School. According to the watch deputy at the Altadena Sheriff Station, they're looking for a deer that was spotted in the area.
UPDATE 4:30 PM: According to the sheriff's station, the scene is clearing now: wildlife officers tranquilized the deer and took him away.
UPDATE: 8:45 PM: The Altadena Sheriff's station sent out this update:
Altadena's Eliot Middle School had a distinguished visitor today, a 12 point buck deer on Lake at the southwest corner of the school. School officials directed the children to exit on the opposite side of the school. Deputies responded and provided security until Fish and Wildlife arrived.
The deer was not harmed and was tranquilized (see photo by Sgt. E. Eftychou) and taken by Fish and Wildlife rangers back up into the San Gabriels without incident.