by Timothy Rutt

Co-op garden planning Wed.: Tonight, Transition Pasadena hosts a "Let's Get Started" workshop at the Co-op at 7 PM. Eager gardeners, food justice activists, and curious onlookers are all welcome at this planning meeting for the Arroyo Food Garden. Garden plans will be shared; group activities will occur; time-lines will be determined; gardening resources will be discovered. Feel free to invite other gardeners and like-minded people. Bring a light snack or extra bounty from your garden to share. This FREE event is sponsored by Transition Pasadena and the Arroyo SECO Network of Time Banks (members will earn time dollars for participating). Information about Transition Pasadena can be found at, and more information about their garden project at the Co-op can be found at the website.
The Arroyo Food Co-op is at 494 N. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena.
Benefit concert Fri.: Friday night is a good time to join the Co-op AND get a free concert in the bargain. "An Evening in Concert with the Thorinbirds and the Licata Brothers" starts at 6 PM (refreshments) and 7 PM (music) at The Shed, 1355 Lincoln Avenue, Pasadena. $30 buys you both a ticket to this one-time-only concert AND a membership to the Arroyo Food Co-op. Thanks to the generosity of these talented musicians and our hosts at The Shed, all proceeds from the concert benefit the Arroyo Food Co-op. (If you are already a member, the cost of your ticket counts towards you membership investment, and if you are a fully invested member, your ticket proceeds are put directly toward the opening of your grocery store.) Tickets are available now on Brown Paper Tickets, and tickets (and complimentary Co-op memberships) will also be available at the door. For more information, visit the co-op website.