by Timothy Rutt
With icons like Christmas Tree Lane and the Balian Mansion, Altadena knows how to celebrate the holidays. We also celebrate with many generous programs for the needy (such as the park toy drives and the Altadena Sheriff's annual food and toy drive), and people of faith hold concerts and special church services to remember "the reason for the season."
Altadena's only one-stop-shop for this is our Altadena Holidays page, where we're gathering all the activities together in one place to make your holiday convenient (and merry!)
If your church, business, or organization has something planned for the season from today through New Year's, we invite you to let us know and we'll spread the word. We're particularly looking for church service schedules for Advent and Christmas.
(We're also opening the page to sponsors: a business-card style ad on the page is all yours thru New Year's Day for only $75! Contact us for details).
Please email your event (preferably written in plain text in your email message) to And keep checking in to Altadena Holidays!