Vintage & Cultural Dance runs from 3:45-4:30 PM: Boys & girls will learn traditional dances, songs & games from various cultures around the world as well as select Vintage Dances from the 1890s to the 1980s.. Ages 5 to 10 yrs.
Polynesian Dance runs from 4:40 to 5:25 PM. Fun Hawaiian Hula’s for the younger group and more challenging dances from Samoa & the Philippines for the older students. All will participate together in warm-ups & Polynesian dance technique! Ages 6 to 12 yrs.
Classes are held Wednesdays, Jan. 15 - April 9 (No class on March 19).
Fee: $100 per 12-week class series; cost includes registration and recital fees. ($25 sibling and/or multiple class series discount)
For more info. & to pre-register, please send an email to : dancecommunity@earthlink.net
A registration form will be emailed to you to bring with your payment (cash or checks accepted).
Important Class Policies:
1. Class fee due on 1st day of class.
2. Minimum class size is 8 students; maximum class size is 16 students.
3. Full refund if registration is cancelled prior to the start of the session.
4. Future class credit available if cancelled after the 2nd class or anytime during the session.
5. Make-up classes are not available.
6. New students will not be accepted after the 4th class.