The PWeekly (heh) has the story about yet another meeting to try to put an urgent care facility at the old St. Luke's Hospital.
It's a real problem: if you have an emergency in Altadena, the nearest urgent care and emergency room is Huntington Hospital, some six miles away through heavy traffic. St. Luke's had last belonged to Tenet Healthcare, which sold it for some $20 million to Cal Tech for use in projected medical research. Cal Tech did little more with the facility than remove the cross at the top and rent it out to Hollywood (Scrubs, 24, Million Dollar Baby). It was sold to DS Ventures LLC last month for a reported $45 million. DS Ventures specializes in senior housing.
Pasadena city councilman Steve Haderlein, whose district includes St. Luke's, is planning to meet with DS Ventures next week to discuss putting an urgent care facility on the property. Get the whole story here.