... that's what we call this time of year, because the streets (mostly on the east side) are full of Star Waggons and other accouterments of Hollywood, our neighbor to the west. And why not? Altadena isn't palm-tree heavy and thus doesn't immediately scream "California." We've had Altadenablog World Headquarters scouted by film crews a few times to represent houses from Boston to Seattle (no takers so far, tho'!)
(We thought some kind of record was sent recently by a burned house on Braeburn that was supposed to be in Miami! And remind us to tell you about the time we ran into some South American tourists taking pictures of Dylan's 90210 house on Altadena Drive!)
That said, we've gotten reports of a couple of McDonald's commercials being filmed recently (filmed one this week at Altadena Hardware). About three weeks ago we were walking the New Dog and saw some film crew guy (was it on Tanoble?) walking a miniature horse -- who apparently has a starring role in an upcoming iPad commercial.
So this is a plea to let us know if you have anyone filming in your neighborhood!