Attention Parents! The Altadena Arts Council is offering an opportunity to brighten up your child’s summer vacation days by providing them a fun, very affordable, educational arts experience at the “Creative Summer Arts Discovery Workshops”.
The workshops will provide a creative experience that encourages imaginations while developing sound art skills. Students discover new ways to see and express a world of both form and fantasy.
The Altadena Arts Council’s “Creative Summer Arts Discovery Workshops will be held on the campus of Sacred Heart Church, corner of Lincoln and Mariposa, form July 6 through July 23, (9:00 am – 3:00 pm). Children ages 7 years to 12 years are invited to have a fun-filled, “creative summer” by exploring and discovering art in its many forms as they discover the artist in themselves. Arts discovery activities provided will include painting, music, photography/digital art, art appreciation, drama, dance, mask-making, jewelry–making, creative writing, poetry, fiber art, and clay sculpture.
Three (3) one-week workshops will be held (Session I: July 6 – July 9; Session II: July12 – July 16; and Session III: July 19 – July 23). Cost is $55 per session; or, $50 per
session if enrolling two or more from same family. Early drop-off and late pick-up will be available. Enrollment is limited.
Applications are available at the Sacred Heart Church Ministry Center and online at www.altadenaartsouncil.org. ALL inquiries should be directed to the Altadena Arts Council at (626) 797-5798 or via e-mail at
The Altadena Arts Council (TAAC)4234 Aralia Road, Altadena, CA 91001