The Altadena Arts Council is making it possible for Altadena/Pasadena area parents to provide their children and youth with an opportunity to be a pART of ART of the creativity this Summer at its "Creative Summer Arts Discovery Workshops!" They'll learn from experienced teachers, create exciting projects, make lifelong friends. They'll explore and discover art in its many forms as they also discover the artist in themselves.
And, how about this: "It's affordable!" Only $55/per one-week workshop; $100/per two-week workshop. Want another bonus? Families enrolling two or more children pay only $50/per child (T-shirt included!).
If you are a parent, here's a great opportunity for your child. If you are Gramma/Pa, aunt/uncle/cousin, friend/neighbor or total stranger, here's a great opportunity for you as well to pass along this information.Applications now being accepted for Session A: July 19 - July 23; and Session B: July 26 - July 30. Applications can be downloaded from For questions, contact the Altadena Arts Council at 626-797-5798 or e-mail:
Classes are from 9 AM-3 PM on the campus of Sacred Heart Church, 600 W. Mariposa.