If you're a Loma Alta or Burbank Elementary school parent, The Pasadena Education Network has maps of the new school district boundary maps available (pdf documents) on their website to confirm where your new residential school is. Priority open enrollment begins Monday for siblings of current "school of choice" students, 'Linked Learning Pathways" students, dual language immersion students, and certain district employees.
- Will there be some kind of final deathmatch between the Altadena teachers of the month and the Altadena teacher of the year? We don't know!
- Dogs and cats living together: Editor of the La Canada Patch is married to the editor of the La Canada Sun. Or maybe it's AOL vs. Tribune.
- Doris Barnes-Roberts says she has one opening in her Coffee Gallery watercolor class that begins Monday, the 13th and runs for 9 weeks(with time off for the holidays of course). Details are at: http://www.altadenaartist.com/other1