by Bill Westphal
for Altadenablog

0.35" Friday
1.18" Saturday
3.58" Sunday
More rain is expected today as the core of this most recent storm passes over the Central Coast. We can expect 0.5" - 1.5" along the foothills throughout the day with another 0.5" - 1.5" possible after midnight into Tuesday morning. Most of the insatability will be to the north but there is a very slight chance of thunderstorms south of Point Conception.
Tuesday night into Wednesday, a cold front is expected to pass through the area bringing strong winds and possibly 2.0" - 4.0" of rain to the foothills. This system will be more convective in nature. This is when the clouds hit the mountains and push up, causing storm cells to stall over the area and drop more rain along the foothills.
For latest readings and images check out the Altadena WeatherCam at .
There are also links at that page to more detailed readings from my Weather Station and the National Weather Servce Forecast Discussion which provides great detail about the storms and the computer models that NWS Use.
Enjoy the weather . . . Be Safe.
Bill Westphal is a frequent Altadenablog contributor and the man behind the Altadena WeatherCam.