Foothill Municipal Water District (FMWD) is sponsoring its second annual California Friendly Garden Contest (Sowing and Growing). Three prizes will be awarded to the winning customers in Foothill’s service area. First place is $500, second place is $250 and third place is $100. Judges will consider overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance and efficient methods of irrigation when evaluating the gardens.
“The aim of this contest is to encourage residents to change out water thirsty turf to less thirsty California friendly plants. Hand-in-hand with this contest is Foothill’s ongoing rebate to customers for removing their turf and planting California Friendly plants and/or installing pervious materials,” said general manager Nina Jazmadarian.
Customers of Foothill Municipal Water District’s retail agencies can participate. Although applications are due no later than April 13, 2012, now is the time to plant most California native and friendly vegetation. Judging will take place May 5, 2012 or soon thereafter in case of inclement weather. Rules and an entry application can be found on the District’s website at
Foothill Municipal Water District provides imported water to Crescenta Valley Water District, La Cañada Irrigation District, Mesa Crest Water Company, Valley Water Company, Lincoln Avenue Water Company, Las Flores Water Company and Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association. Kinneloa Irrigation District, another retail agency, takes no water from Foothill.