The Pasadena Unified School District redistricting task force is holding meetings for public input in January and February.
The task force is charged with making recommendations for an amendment to the City of Pasadena charter language related to PUSD, and drawing new sub-regional districts for board members. PUSD is planning to change from an "at large" system for board members to a format where board members each represent a specific geographic district.
The task force wil begin drawing sub-regional district maps in Jan., 2012, and needs significant community input so the maps are representative of the communiteis of Altadena, Pasadena, and Sierra Madre.
The meetings will be:
Tues., Jan. 3, 2012 at 6 PM at the auditorium at Jefferson Elementary School, 1500 E. Villa Street, Pasadena.
Tues., Jan. 17, at Mountain View Cemetary, 2400 N. Fair Oaks, Altadena
Tues., Feb. 7 at the Western Justice Center, 55 N. Grand, Pasadena
Tues., Feb. 21 at Al-Kebulon Cultural Center, 1435 N. Raymond, Pasadena.
For more information, click on the flyer or check the website at
hat tip: Monica Hubbard