by Timothy Rutt
Very happy news this Christmas Eve day.
We published a story yesterday: Jane Brackman was hiking through Eaton Canyon Friday morning and found two families looking for their missing dogs: Roscoe, a Rhodesian ridgeback who went missing in the canyon the day before; and Truman, a large grey 7-8 month old puppy.
Reader Bonnie Barron wrote us to say that her neighbors took in a stray Rhodesian ridgeback heading north on Altadena Drive. Thanks to Ed Meyers, who referred them to the post on Altadenablog, they made contact with the owners. Dog owner Sheri posted in the comments:
God hears us and answers prayers! He has been found. My kids are working out to pick him up! 1. Thank you all for praying and your concern 2. Thanks to the person that I saw hiking @Mt. Wilson that posted our lost dog in the Altadena Blog 3. Thanks to the person that read the blog and noticed Roscoe heading North on Altadena Drive and leashed him!! Merry Christmas!
We'll give the last word to Jane, aka Dr. Barkman:
I just received the best Christmas present ever. After posting the lost dog notice yesterday, it ends up that Roscoe is now home with his family. It's not necessarily that I am giving myself the atta girl here (OK – I am), it's rather the feeling that if we all did just one thing everyday - one little thing to help someone out, what a wonderful world it could be ...
(now if we can just find Truman...)