Our resident poet's ode to police scanners:
"The Encrypted Sounds of Silence"
from gloriana casey
Before that date of New Year's Day,
the year twenty thirteen,
I hope Encryption does not make
a nightmare from our dream.
The Press, it must be privy to
disasters in the city.
Encryption leads to silence then.
Results? Not so pretty.
For Winds of Change have shown to us
strange weather and its wrath.
We need to know what's going on.
Encryption then is daft!
And fire we know will run non-stop
or earthquakes come to pass.
Enigma was that war machine
in which no news could pass!
It took hundreds of coders then
to break that coded truth.
The Press, it needs this access too,
or rumors? Through the roof!
For what is left to citizens,
when rumor it does rein?
A city left then in the dark,
for secrets are Truth's bane.
Ridiculous, to deny Press,
our lifeline! Real time facts!
For rumors are more damaging
when access gets the ax!
Though I suppose the option is
in flags of semaphore.
A flag pole tall on Websters then?
Its height quite tall, and more!
We citizens, if we smell smoke,
will rush to each front yard
and scan horizon for the news
flag colors won't be hard.
A red flag for the fires then
and yellow for high crime,
while blue will stand for winds of change.
No flag? Pole theft this time!
Of course this won't work in the dark,
we're blinded to flag's flight.
Access denied to local Press?
We're blinded by this blight!
This is so silly, don't you think?
Encryption from the Press?
For Knowledge is the savior then
when people are distressed!