"One hundred and One Salutations"
from gloriana casey
The Cobb Estate, the Cobb Estate,
new gate restoration!
Those Eagle Scouts have shown the way--
shoring up the nation!
The Cobb Estate in history
owes to community
its very presence--saved by teens,
my city tis of thee!
A people circle saved the land,
a new circle invites.
Now Eagle Scouts restore the place
for forest's true delight.
A higher gate and better slope
with rock and wrought iron new.
For salutations we all shout;
we love the likes of you!
Those Eagle scouts first took to flight
1911 year.
They volunteer for what has need;
those Eagles landed here!
As volunteers, with study too,
this hard work they embrace.
They freely give in time and sweat
to beautify our place.
One hundred and one years ago
those Eagle Scouts began.
How wonderful they chose to work
in Altadena Land.
Past generation saved the land
this new one, they add on.
Amazing those Led Zeppelin words
so fit both with their song!
For: "We are Eagles in one nest,
the nest is in our soul."
So salutations, Eagle Scouts,
you make our city whole!