by TImothy Rutt
"Film Festival Flix" is a monthly "Best of the Fests" film event at the Pasadena Laemmle Playhouse 7, launching Wed., Sept. 5. They're looking for locally-made short subjects (10 minutes and under) to be paired with features at each monthly screening. Film Festival Flix brings critically-acclaimed films and audience favorites from top film festivals around the world to a local theater, and enables attendees to interact with the filmmakers and actors via live simulcast or online. This month features "Face to Face" (Australia) and "Expiration" (South Africa), and the filmmakers and talent will actually be in attendance for Q&A.
To apply for your film online, go to If you want to attend the inaugural event, it starts at 7 PM at the Laemmle Playhouse 7, 673 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. Check out their Facebook group at::