by Timothy Rutt
This Saturday, Those Manning Bhoys and Friends return for their eighth go-round at the Sheriff Support Group of Altadena's Summer Concert Series in Farnsworth Park. There's always something new every year -- sometimes it's a pub-load of musicians, sometimes Irish dancers, but always a good time. Producer Bob Klomburg says that they're being very secretive this year, but the surprise is always part of the fun with the Mannings.
Those Manning Bhoys, an Irish duo formed in 2002, have been dedicated to the furthering of the American-Irish culture through song. Brothers Mike and Sean Manning, natives of the Los Angeles area, are the oldest and youngest of eight brothers and sisters who come from a long line of Irish miners. The duo has played at Irish events and pubs across the Southland.
In 2008 the Brothers formed Irish Pride, a clothing company to help them promote their American-Irish background. With the formation of the Irish Pride Dancers from the Aniar Academy of Irish Dance, the duo has participated in fairs, concerts and special events along a cross-section of the Celtic community in Southern California.
Do yourself a favor and don't miss this show! See you Saturday at 7 PM at Farnsworth Park Amphitheater!
Each year, the Sheriff's Support Group Summer Concert Series has been made possible by the generous support of our sponsors. This year SSGA welcomes back a major sponsor, Warner Bros. Entertainment.