from FIrst Presbyterian Church
The Fall Festival of the First Presbyterian Church, Altadena celebrates the church’s 100th year anniversary on Saturday, September 14 by presenting a photo review of its history and by hosting a performance of the play “One Way or Another– Overcoming the Odds One Base at a Time”.
The play centers on the friendship of Shig Takayama (a former church member) and Jackie Robinson as they together pushed up against the “whites only” barrier on the athletic field in 1937. The two young men, who each played baseball for Pasadena City College, discovered the harsh realities of racial prejudice as they attempted to further their careers as intercollegiate baseball players. In their struggle they found that overcoming the obstacles placed in their way required not just physical strength and mental discipline but an inward fortitude. Tested together the two found that they shared the same source of strength stemming from their faith born out of their involvement in two local churches; Shig, at the Japanese Union Church, now First Presbyterian Church, Altadena and Jackie, at Pasadena's Scott United Methodist Church.
The story of Shig and Jackie’s tenacity provides the Altadena/Pasadena community a legacy of interracial cooperation and a model for how it can move ahead together. The free performance will be held in the church sanctuary at 5 p.m.
The festival opens at 3 p.m and will include childrens' games on the church lawn, an exhibition of historical photos in the church library, booths serving hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks on the church lawn and Teriyaki Chicken and Beef dinners served in the Social Hall. The festival will conclude with a Hula Dancing Finale at 7 p.m.. The First Presbyterian Church, Altadena is located at 2775 Lincoln Avenue at the corner of Harriet Street and Lincoln Avenue.