An ecumenical community Thanksgiving celebration will take place on Sun., Nov. 23, 7 PM at Altadena Baptist Church, 791
East Calaveras Street. This event will include representatives from a number of local Christian denominations, the
Jewish community, the Bahai faith, and other religious expressions,
demonstrating the need all people have to express their gratitude.
The keynote address will be presented by the Rev. Wendy Tajima, who is
a third-generation Japanese-American, born and raised in Pasadena.
Wendy worked with battered women for ten years, then in management with
the Apple Computer Company. She entered seminary in 1997 to train for
Christian ministry. She was ordained in the Presbyterian Church and
served as a pastor in Hawaii with the United Church of Christ. Her
Thanksgiving message will be entitled "Raisins in the Stuffing."
Music expressing thanks and praise will be led by two choirs, the
Pasadena Jewish Temple Choir, directed by Cantor Judy Sofer, and the
Altadena Baptist Gospel Choir, directed by Glenn Molina. There will be
readings from sacred writings of the various faith traditions
This community celebration is being sponsored by ACTS (Altadena
Congregations Together Serving), a local affiliation of clergy and lay
people dedicated to growing together through conversation, fellowship,
shared projects and mutual respect. One of the continuing programs of
ACTS is a cooperative Food Pantry, staffed by volunteers from the
various congregations, that helps local families in financial stress.
An opportunity will be given at the celebration for people to bring
either canned foods or money to support the Food Pantry.