Merry Christmas: another 24-Hour Fitness break-in. Crime blotter provided by the Altadena Sheriff Station.
Tuesday, December 17
Between 10:00 AM and 10:47 AM – A petty theft occurred in the 1900 block of Lake Avenue. Loss: vehicle registration tab.
3:00 PM – A grand theft occurred in the 2400 block of Washington Boulevard. Loss: black HP laptop, black Sony PSP game console, black Razor computer mouse, black iPhone charger, black HP charger, headset, earphones, black backpack.
Thursday, December 19
Between 10:00 PM and 8:30 AM (Friday) – A petty theft from an unlocked vehicle occurred in the 3500 block of Leilani Way. Loss: Barbie doll, accessories, Legos, PS3 games, game controller, children’s clothing, black storage device, gift card.